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This Affiliate Program Agreement ("Agreement") contains the terms and conditions governing your participation in the AHERB.cn Affiliate Program ("Program"). "We", "us" or "our" means AHERB.cn. "You" or "your" means the applicant/partner. "Site" means a website. "AHERB.cn website" means www.aherb.cb website. "Your Site" means any site(s), any software application(s), any promotional communication channels that you affiliate with the AHERB.cn Site.

By checking the box, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Work Agreement, or by continuing to participate in the program after we have posted a change notice, revised Work Agreement, or revised operating documentation on AHERB.cn, you agree to be bound by this Agreement; acknowledge and agree that you have independently assessed your desire to participate in the AHERB.cn program and do not rely on any representations, warranties or representations other than those expressly set forth in this Agreement. You hereby represent and warrant that you are legally able to enter into contracts (for example, if you are not of legal age), that you comply with and will be bound by this Agreement. In addition, if this Agreement is accepted by a company or other legal entity, then the decision maker of this Agreement, on behalf of that company or organization, hereby represents and warrants that he or she is authorized by the company or entity in this Agreement.

1. Description of the program

The purpose of the Program is to enable you to advertise Products through your promotional tools and earn commissions on Eligible Purchases (defined in Section 7) made by your end users. "Product" means any item sold on the AHERB.cn Site. The Product may also include certain services, if any, expressly set forth in Section 8 of this Agreement. In order to make it easier for you to advertise the Products, we may use data, images, text, link formats, widgets, links and other link tools, and other information related to the Program ("Content") solely for AHERB.cn's promotional purposes. The Content specifically excludes any data, images, text or other information or content relating to products offered on any site other than the AHERB.cn site.

2. Getting Started

To begin the registration process, you must submit a complete and accurate application for the Program from your AHERB.cn Personal Account. To do this, you must log in to the site. We will review your application and notify you if it is accepted or rejected. We may reject your application if we decide that you are not a good fit for us. We do not cooperate with those who advertise or their materials contain scenes of a sexual nature; promote violence or contain materials of violence; promote or contain defamatory or negative material; promote discrimination or use discriminatory practices based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age, territorial origin; encourage or carry out illegal activities; violates intellectual property rights.

If we reject your application, you can reapply at any time. However, if we accept your application and later determine that you are not a good fit for us, we may terminate this Agreement unilaterally without notice.

You warrant that information about you and otherwise associated with your account, including your email address and other contact information, and any identification, will always be complete, accurate, and up to date. We may send notices (if any), approvals (if any) and other communications relating to the Program and this Agreement to the email address currently associated with your Program account. You will be deemed to have received all notices, approvals, and other communications sent to that email address, even if the email address associated with your account is no longer relevant to you or you no longer have access to it.

3. Your promotional tools and links to AHERB.cn

Once you have been notified that you have been accepted into the Program, you may display special links and materials on your advertising properties. "Special Links" means links to the AHERB.cn website that you place on your resources in accordance with this Agreement, references to AHERB.cn and Products on AHERB.cn.

You may only earn commissions in accordance with Section 7 and only in relation to activities on the AHERB.cn website. We are not obligated to pay you a commission if you incorrectly, misrepresenting, misrepresenting information on your advertising resources about AHERB.cn, including to the extent that such refusal may lead to the mind reduce commissions that would otherwise be paid to you under this Agreement.

4. Requirements for participation in the affiliate program

By participating in the Program, you agree that you will be bound by the Affiliate Program Requirements and all pages, schedules, policies, manuals, and other documents and materials referenced in this Agreement (collectively, the "Documentation").

You will provide us with any information we request to verify your compliance with this Agreement or any Documentation. If we determine that you have not complied with any requirement or limitation described on the Affiliate Program Requirements page or any other Documentation, or that you have otherwise violated this Agreement, we may (in addition to any other rights or remedies available to us) withhold any commission payable to you under this Agreement, terminate this Agreement unilaterally without notice, or both.

In addition, you hereby consent to us: to send you emails regarding the Program from time to time; monitoring, recording, using and disclosing information about your advertising inventory and visitors that we receive in connection with your display of Special Links (for example, that a specific AHERB.cn customer clicked on a Special Link from your site before purchasing a Product on the AHERB.cn Site ); monitoring, scanning and otherwise examining your advertising inventory to verify compliance with this Agreement and the Documentation.

5. Responsibility for your advertising resources

You will be solely responsible for your advertising inventory, including development, operation and maintenance costs, and all materials that appear on or within them. For example, you will be solely responsible for the technical operation of your and all associated equipment; displaying links and Content on your resources in accordance with this Agreement; creating and posting and ensuring the accuracy, completeness and appropriateness of the materials posted on your resources (including all descriptions of the Products and other materials related to the Products, as well as any information that you include in the material, referring to or referring to AHERB.cn and the Products AHERB.cn); use the Content, your properties and materials on or within your properties in a manner that does not infringe, infringe or misappropriate any of our rights or the rights of any other person or entity (including copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity or other intellectual property or proprietary rights); accurate and adequate disclosure on your properties, whether through a privacy policy or otherwise, of how you collect, use, store and disclose data collected from visitors, including, where applicable, information that third parties (including us and other advertisers) may provide content and advertising, collect information directly from visitors, and place or recognize cookies on visitors' browsers; any use by you of the AHERB.cn Content and Marks, whether or not permitted by this Agreement.

We are not responsible for these matters, or for any claims by your users relating to these matters, and you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless us, our affiliates and licensors, and our and their respective employees, officers, directors, and representatives harmless from any claims, damages, damages, liability, costs and expenses (including attorneys' fees) related to your resources or any materials that appear on your advertising resources, including the combination of your resources or those materials with other applications , content or processes; use, develop, design, manufacture, manufacture, advertise, promote or market your advertising properties or any materials that appear on or within your properties, and all other matters described in Section 5; your use of any Content, whether such use is permitted or violates this Agreement, any Documentation or applicable law; your breach of any term or condition of this Agreement; you or your employees; negligence or willful misconduct.

6. Order processing

We will process orders for Products placed by customers who have referred from your advertising inventory and campaigns to AHERB.cn. We reserve the right to reject orders that do not meet any requirements of the AHERB.cn site as they may be updated from time to time. We will track Eligible Purchases (defined in Section 7) for reporting and accrual purposes commissions, and will also provide you with reports summarizing these eligible purchases under "Your Referrals" and "Your Transactions".

7. Commission accrual

We will pay commission to you on Eligible Purchases in accordance with Section 8. Subject to the exceptions set out below, an "Eligible Purchase" occurs when a customer goes to the AHERB.cn website and applies your AHERB.cn promo code listed in your Account .

Qualified Purchases are excluded and we will not pay commission for any of the following: any purchase of a Product that is tracked from your advertising inventory or is not tracked or properly reported because the purchaser does not have a promo code on the AHERB Site. cn or the promo code is in the wrong format, or the promo code is invalid; any Product acquired after the termination of this Agreement; any canceled order for a Product.

8. Commission

Brief information about payment

AHERB.cn will pay you a commission for qualifying orders. When customers go to AHERB.cn using your promo code, indicated in your Personal Account on the AHERB.cn Website, you will be charged a commission depending on the set % of the total amount of the goods, excluding shipping costs. The percentage is determined individually by AHERB.cn. The more clients you refer to AHERB.cn, the more commissions you will earn. AHERB.cn offers a variable fee that changes from time to time. Most commission income is calculated as a percentage of qualifying income based on this commission rate. AHERB.cn may also offer commissions in the form of bonuses or other special offers.


The commission will be paid based on eligible purchases shipped during the defined billing period. The commission payment date is on the 10th, 20th and 30th of each month. AHERB.cn processing may be delayed up to 5 days. AHERB.cn will create a report in your account on the payment of commissions accumulated over the previous period. The commission will be paid using the details that you provided when applying for participation in the AHERB.cn Affiliate Program. Due to the delay in the processing of payments by some banks, the payment may be delayed for the duration of the delay in the payment by the bank. The number or amount of transactions, credits for payments, as we calculate them, is final and binding.

Payment form

Payments will be made to the account and currency you specified when applying for the AHERB.cn Affiliate Program. The conversion rate, if a payment requires currency conversion, will be determined in accordance with our operating standards, using the rates in effect on the date the payment report is issued.

AHERB.cn will use commercially reasonable efforts to pay any positive balance owed to you. In certain circumstances, AHERB.cn may not be able to pay you because, according to our data, for a period of 12 months or more: your account is inactive, which means that you have not logged into your account or accepted funds, payments or other amounts we have attempted to pay or deliver to you; we were unable to contact you or did not receive adequate payment instructions from you after we contacted you at the email address provided in our records; There are not enough funds on your balance to qualify for payment.

Non-Payment, Withholding, Cancellation and Chargebacks

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, AHERB.cn is not obligated to pay you for purchases that would otherwise be considered Eligible Purchases during any current or previous month in which you breached this Agreement.

AHERB.cn reserves the right to withhold your commission for any and all prior periods and the commission you receive if We, in our sole discretion, have reason to believe that you or your agent(s) have violated this Agreement or have engaged in potentially fraudulent activities.

We may deduct from your account an amount or a fee that has been credited to your account but has not yet been paid out if we determine, in our sole discretion, that there has been a duplicate entry or other apparent error; fraudulent transactions or other fraudulent activities; violation, other failure to perform or cancellation of the relevant purchase; or failure to comply with any terms of this Agreement. We may apply a chargeback to your account at any time, including previous billing periods.

9. Policies and prices

Customers who purchase items under this Program are our customers for all activities they take in connection with the AHERB.cn Site. Accordingly, as between you and us, all prices, terms of sale, rules, policies and the operating procedures regarding customer orders, customer service and product sales set out on the AHERB.cn Site will apply to these customers, and we may change them at any time, at any time.

10. Identifying yourself as a partner

You will not issue any press release or make any other public announcement regarding this Agreement, your use of the Content, or your participation in the Program. You will not misrepresent or embellish the relationship between us and you (including by expressing or implying that we support, sponsor, approve or contribute to any charitable or other activity), or express or imply any relationship or affiliation between us and you or any other person or entity, except as expressly permitted by this Agreement. However, you must clearly state on request that you are an AHERB.cn Affiliate.

11. Limited license

Subject to the terms of this Agreement, and solely for the limited purposes of advertising Products on the AHERB.cn Site and directing end users to the AHERB.cn Site in connection with the Program, we hereby grant you a limited, revocable, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to copy and display the Content solely on your advertising properties and use only those of our trademarks and logos that we may provide to you as part of the Content.

The license set forth in this Section 11 will terminate immediately and automatically if, at any time, you fail to timely perform any obligation under this Agreement or any Documentation, or otherwise after termination of this Agreement. In addition, we may terminate the license set forth in this Section 11, in whole or in part, with or without notice. You agree to promptly remove from your site and remove or otherwise destroy all Content relating to AHERB.cn that terminates the license set forth in this Section 11 or as otherwise requested by us from time to time.

12. Retention of rights to materials

Except for the limited licenses expressly set forth in Section 11, we reserve all right, title and interest (including all intellectual property and title) in and to, and you do not acquire by virtue of this Agreement or otherwise any ownership right , interests or rights in the Program, Special Links, link formats, Content, any domain name owned or operated by us or our affiliates, Documentation, our trademarks and logos and logos of our affiliates, and any other intellectual property and technology, that we provide or use in connection with the Program. If you provide us or any of our affiliates with suggestions, reviews, modifications, data, images, text or other information or content about a product or in connection with this Agreement, any Content or your participation in the Program, or if you in any way modify any Content (collectively, "Your Submissions"), you hereby irrevocably transfer to us all right, title and interest in and to your Submissions and grant us (even if you have designated your Submissions confidential) a perpetual, paid royalty-free, non-exclusive, worldwide , an irrevocable, freely transferable right and license to use, reproduce, perform, display and distribute Your Content in any way; adapt, modify, reformat and create derivative works based on your Submissions for any purpose; use and publish your name in the form of credit with your Submission (however, we will not be under any obligation to do so); sublicense the above rights to any other person or entity. In addition, you hereby warrant that: your Submission is your original work or that you obtained your Submission lawfully; the exercise by us and our sublicensees of the rights under the above license will not infringe the rights of any person or entity, including any copyright. You agree to provide us with such assistance as we may require to document, improve or maintain our rights in relation to your Submission.

13. Compliance with laws

In connection with your participation in the Program, you agree to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, licenses, permits, ordinances, decisions and other requirements of any government agency that has jurisdiction over you. The execution, effectiveness, interpretation and performance of the Agreement and the settlement of disputes thereunder are governed by the laws of Chinese People's Republic.

14. Duration and termination

This Agreement begins when we accept your application to the Program and ends when you or we terminate it. Either you or we may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, by giving or without written notice of termination to the other party. Upon termination of this Agreement, any and all licenses you have with respect to the Content will automatically terminate and you will immediately cease using the AHERB.cn Content. We may withhold accrued unpaid commission for a reasonable period of time after termination to ensure that the correct amount is paid (for example, to account for any cancellations). Upon any termination of this Operating Agreement, all rights and obligations of the parties will terminate, except for the rights and obligations of the parties under Sections 5, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20, together with any accrued , but our unpaid payment obligations under this Agreement will survive termination of this Agreement. Termination of this Agreement shall not release either party from any liability for any breach or liability incurred under this Agreement prior to termination.

15. Modification

We may change any terms and conditions contained in this Agreement at any time and in our sole discretion by posting a notice of change or no change, a revised agreement or a revised Documentation on the AHERB.cn website. Modifications may include, for example, changes to affiliate program fees, affiliate program membership requirements, payment procedures, and other program requirements.

If any changes are unacceptable to you, your only recourse is to terminate this application to join and participate in the AHERB.cn Affiliate Program. Your continuation in the area of posting our license to use, the revision of the working environment or the revised working documentation on the AHERB.cn site is an appropriate change.

16. Relations of the parties

You and I are independent contractors and nothing in this Agreement or the Documentation creates any partnership, joint venture, agency, franchise, sales representative or employment relationship between you and us or our respective affiliates. You will not have the authority to make or accept any offer or representation on our behalf or on behalf of our affiliates. You will not make any statements, whether on your resources or otherwise, that conflict or may conflict with anything in this section. If you authorize, assist, encourage or assist another person or entity in any act related to the subject matter of this Agreement, you shall be deemed to have performed the act yourself.

17. Limitation of Liability

We are not liable for indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages (including any loss of income, profits, reputation, use or data) arising out of this Operating Agreement, the program, the Documentation, the AHERB.cn Site or the service offering (definition below), even if we were aware of the possibility of such damage. Further, our aggregate liability arising in connection with this Operating Agreement, the Program, the AHERB.cn Site and the service offerings will not exceed the total commission paid or payable to you under this Agreement during the twelve months immediately preceding the date of the date. The event that received the last liability claim.

18. Disclaimer

The Program, the AHERB.cn Site, any products and services offered on the AHERB.cn Site, any special links, link formats, Documentation, content, the AHERB.cn domain name, our trademarks and logos of our partners, and all technologies, software, features, materials, data, images, text and other information and content provided or used by us or our affiliates or licensors or on behalf of us or our affiliates or licensors in connection with the Program (collectively, the “Service Offerings”) are provided “as is ". Neither we nor any of our partners or licensors make any representations or warranties of any kind, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise, in relation to the service offerings. Except to the extent prohibited by applicable law, we, our affiliated licensors and licensors disclaim all warranties with respect to the service offerings, including any implied warranties of merchantability, satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, forfeiture of rights and rights any warranties arising from any action, performance or trade use. We may discontinue any service offering or may change the nature, features, functions, scope or operation of any service offering at any time and from time to time. Neither we nor any of our partners or licensors warrant that the service offerings will continue to be provided, will function as described, consistently or in any particular manner, or be uninterrupted, accurate, error-free or free of harmful components. Neither we nor any of our partners or licensors are liable for any errors, inaccuracies or service interruptions, including power outage or system failures; any unauthorized access or modification or deletion, destruction, damage or loss of your advertising resources or any data, images, text or other information or content. No advice or information obtained by you from us or from any other person or entity or through the Program, content, Documentation, AHERB.cn Site or AHERB.cn Affiliate Program is guaranteed. Further, neither we nor any of our partners or licensors will be liable for any compensation, refunds or damages arising out of any loss of anticipated profits or revenue, anticipated sales, advertising or other benefits, any investment, expense or liability. by you in connection with this Work Agreement or your participation in the Program or any termination of this agreement or your participation in the Program.

19. Controversy

Any dispute relating in any way to the Program or this Agreement will be resolved by binding arbitration and not in court. If the parties fail to resolve the dispute within 30 days of such dispute arising, they agree to submit such dispute to the Hong Kong International Arbitration Center (“HKIAC”) for arbitration, which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission's arbitration award. The rules in force at the time of filing for arbitration shall apply. Arbitral awards are final and binding on both parties.

20. Miscellaneous

You acknowledge and agree that we and our affiliates may, at any time (whether directly or indirectly), solicit customer referrals on terms that may differ from those contained in this Agreement or manage advertising inventory that is similar to your ad inventory or compete with your resources. You may not assign this Agreement by operation of law or otherwise without our express prior written consent. Subject to this limitation, this Agreement will be binding on, inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and assigns, and be binding on the parties. Our failure to enforce your strict compliance with any provision of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of our right to subsequently enforce such provision or any other provision of this Agreement. Whenever the terms “include(s)”, “including”, “for example. ", and "for example" mean, respectively, "include(s) without limitation", "including, without limitation", "for example, without limitation" and "for example, without limitation. “Any determinations or updates we may make, any actions we may take, and any statements we may make under this Agreement may be made, accepted or granted in our sole discretion.

AHERB.cn 中国药房主营养生保健品。 中医是世界上最古老的治疗体系,产品以中草药为基础,添加纯植物成分。AHERB.cn - 是中国领先的产品制造商。 原装产品的销售是我们公司的主要原则。每个产品都有注册证书,可以在国家食品药品监督管理总局(CFDA)网站上查询。