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Public offer on the conclusion of the contract "Help with the purchase"

Public offer on the conclusion of the contract "Help with the purchase"

This document is an offer and expresses the intention of AHERB SI EN RUS Limited Liability Company (hereinafter referred to as AHERB, Agent) to consider itself to have concluded the Purchase Assistance Agreement on the following terms (hereinafter also referred to as the Agreement)

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this document is a public offer. An individual over the age of 18 who orders goods for personal use (hereinafter referred to as the Client, Principal) has the right to accept this offer. The performance by the said persons of actions to fulfill the terms of the Agreement (creation of an Order in accordance with this offer, transfer of funds by the Client to AHERB in accordance with the provisions of this offer, etc.) is considered an acceptance of this offer. The Agreement is considered concluded from the moment of acceptance of this Public Offer.


1.1. In accordance with the terms of this Agreement, AHERB assumes the obligation to perform, for a fee, on behalf of the Client and at the expense of the Seller (AHERB.CN (China Health House) Co., Limited) legal and other actions to conclude sales contracts in the AHERB online store .cn of AHERB.CN (China Health House) Co., Limited, which trades and delivers purchased goods from China and Hong Kong (hereinafter referred to as the Seller), for which it provides the following services:

– processing of the Customer's Order;

- checking for the possibility of delivering the Goods from the Seller to the Client's address specified when placing the Order, including the possibility of international delivery in compliance with customs regulations;

– sending the Seller a confirmation of delivery, payment and a request for the possibility of delivering the Goods to the place specified in the Application, as well as subsequent interaction with the Seller in order to obtain from the Seller a decision on the possibility of placing the Order;

– calculation of the final cost of prepayment for the Goods and agency fee, including with the transfer of amounts for the Client from foreign currency into Russian rubles;

– transfer to the settlement account of the Seller of an advance payment for the Goods.

1.2. The client places an order for goods on the website www.aherb.cn and services specified in clause 1.1 of the Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Order) through his personal account on the website www.aherb.cn.

1.3. When placing an Order, the Customer indicates the address to which the Seller will have to deliver the Goods.

1.4. The moment of execution of the Order is the moment of registration and payment by the Customer of the Goods on the Seller's website www.aherb.cn and the transfer of funds for the Goods to AHERB.

1.5. AHERB may provide services to the Client personally, or involve third parties in their provision.

1.6. In some cases, by agreement of the parties, for the purposes set forth in clause 1.1 of this Agreement, the Client empowers AHERB with the appropriate authority with the right to conduct the necessary negotiations, approvals, correspondence on behalf of the Client, as well as receive, for the purpose of subsequent transfer to the Client, monetary compensation for lost or damaged Parcels and their contents, and AHERB assumes such powers in order to resolve issues related to the safety of parcels in the interests of the user as completely and as soon as possible.


2.1. AHERB, acting on behalf of the Client, accepts from the Client an advance payment for the Goods, which is subsequently transferred to the Seller as payment for the cost of the Goods, as well as the cost of delivery of the Goods by the Seller to the address to which the Seller will have to deliver the Goods.

2.2. The advance payment for the Goods is calculated based on the cost of the Goods on the Seller's website www.aherb.cn:

2.2.1. If the cost of the Goods on the Seller's website is indicated in rubles, then AHERB prepayment for the Goods is set in the amount equal to the cost of the Goods on the Seller's website in rubles.

2.2.1. If the cost of the Goods is indicated on the Seller's website in a different currency, then AHERB calculates the prepayment for the Goods for the Client in rubles based on the exchange rate set by the Seller on the website in the "Select Currency" switch.

2.3. The Client transfers to AHERB an advance payment for the Goods when placing an Order for the Goods on the Seller's website using the "Payment" module.

2.4. In the event that the operation to transfer an advance payment for the Goods to the Seller was canceled for reasons beyond the control of AHERB, AHERB may, at its option, either pay the Seller again, or wait for a corresponding request from the Client. The Client undertakes to promptly track changes in the Order in the Client's personal account on the Seller's website and, in case of cancellation or failure to deliver the goods, contact the Seller to clarify the details of re-payment or refund.

2.5. All additional payments and fees that may arise in the process of redemption and (or) delivery of the Goods, including customs fees and duties, must be paid by the Client to the AHERB settlement account within 1 day from the moment AHERB sends a letter or other message to the Client with the amount, required for additional payment by the Client.

2.6. In the event that the Client, after placing the order and paying the funds to AHERB, refuses to execute this agreement, the Client is obliged to pay for the services of AHERB in proportion to the number of services performed by AHERB specified in clause 1.1 of this agreement.


3.1. The client undertakes:

3.1.1. Properly and timely transfer to AHERB the advance payment for the Goods, payment of all additional payments and fees that arose in the process of redemption and (or) delivery of the Goods, including customs fees and duties, as well as agency fees when providing additional services to the Client.

3.1.2. Transfer to AHERB only correct, reliable and complete information.

3.1.3. Provide AHERB with information about the address to which the Seller will have to deliver the Goods. The Client must independently indicate the delivery address and contact phone number, and e-mail, when placing an order in the Client's personal account on the Seller's website, to which the Seller will have to deliver the Goods.

3.1.6. If problems and questions arise related to placing an order for the Goods through a personal account, with the Goods themselves or with their delivery, the Client is obliged to independently contact the Seller in order to resolve these problems and questions, and then immediately inform AHERB about the agreements reached.

3.2. AHERB is committed to:

3.2.1. On behalf of the Client, confirm the purchase of the Goods from the Seller and transfer the funds for the Goods to the Seller, in accordance with the Agreement between AHERB and the Seller.


4.1. The parties are responsible in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation

4.2. The Client is responsible for the correct execution of the Order.

4.3. The Client is responsible for the safety and confidentiality of the registration data of the Personal Account (login and password). All actions performed using the login and password of the Client in the Personal Account are considered to be carried out by the Client. In case of unauthorized access to the account of third parties, the Client is obliged to immediately notify the Seller about this. The Client is solely responsible for all actions performed using his login and password by third parties.

4.4. AHERB is not responsible for blocking the Client's Personal Cabinet/Account, as well as for blocking/writing off the Seller's bonuses/promotional codes that occurred through no fault of AHERB.

4.5. AHERB is not responsible for the conformity of the Goods to the descriptions provided by the Sellers, in particular, AHERB is not responsible for the exact match of the colors and shades of the goods shown on the Seller's website with the goods that were delivered to the Client. AHERB is also not responsible for the delivery of the Goods. The Seller himself and (or) responsible persons involved by the Seller shall be liable to the Client for the specified in this paragraph.

4.6. AHERB is not responsible for the actions of any third parties or organizations, including, but not limited to, AHERB is not responsible for the safety of parcels during their transportation by postal and courier services. The relevant responsibility to the Client is borne directly by the Seller, postal and courier services, etc.

4.7. AHERB is not responsible for the actions of related services and services used to provide services to the Client, but not owned by AHERB: banks, Internet providers, e-mail services, the Seller's website, payment systems, etc.

4.8. AHERB does not guarantee any delivery terms, including the terms of delivery of the Goods from the Seller to the Client, is not responsible for violation of the specified terms, and is not responsible for any errors of the Seller, or for the non-fulfillment of the order by the Seller.

4.9. AHERB is not responsible for the cancellation by the Seller of an order for the purchase of the Goods. In this case, the Client is obliged to contact the Seller in the manner prescribed by clause 2.4 of the Agreement for re-ordering or for a refund.

4.10. In the event that the Client, in violation of clause 2.5 of this Agreement, does not pay additional payments and fees that arose in the process of redemption and (or) delivery of the Goods, including customs fees and duties, then AHERB has the right to withhold the Goods until receipt from the Client to the settlement AHERB account of the relevant funds in full. In the event that the Client delays payment for more than 30 days, AHERB has the right to dispose of the Goods after the expiration of the storage period without refunding its cost to the Client.

5. Features of the provision of services during the subsequent delivery of the Goods from China to the address of the Client.

5.1. When making an application for the subsequent delivery of the Goods to the Russian Federation by the Seller, the Client must be guided by the principle of reasonable sufficiency in order to avoid recognition of a commercial batch and disposal of the Goods during its delivery. The Client undertakes to create an Application only for Goods that are not Prohibited Goods, dangerous goods and are prohibited for import into the country indicated in the Client's delivery address in accordance with the terms of the Seller's Offer for international delivery.

5.2. AHERB is not responsible if, after confirming the Order, it turns out that, for reasons independent of AHERB, the Goods cannot be delivered to the Client (for example, the Goods are purchased and / or sent to the Client, but cannot be delivered / sent to the Client due to new lists of restrictions within sanctions).

AHERB.cn 中国药房主营养生保健品。 中医是世界上最古老的治疗体系,产品以中草药为基础,添加纯植物成分。AHERB.cn - 是中国领先的产品制造商。 原装产品的销售是我们公司的主要原则。每个产品都有注册证书,可以在国家食品药品监督管理总局(CFDA)网站上查询。