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AHERB.cn (China Health House) Co., Limited (Registration No. 3221696), registered at: UNIT 03, 6/F, HANG PONT COMMERCIAL BUILDING, 31 TONKIN STREET, CHEUNG SHA WAN, KL HONG KONG (hereinafter "AHERB. cn" or "we" or "us" or "our") defines this Privacy Policy on the AHERB.cn website.

We at AHERB.cn (hereinafter "AHERB.cn") know that you care about how information about you is used and shared. We respect your privacy and take your online security seriously. In order to provide products and services to you, we collect and process your basic personal data on a minimal scale from the AHERB.cn website, services, online stores and applications. When you use any of our Services (as defined below), you consent to the practices described in the Privacy Policy. Basically, we will communicate with you electronically in a variety of ways, such as email, text messages, in-app push notifications, or by posting emails or messages on the website or through other services and electronic communications. For contractual purposes, you agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing, except to the extent that mandatory applicable the laws expressly require a different form of communication.

Thank you for accessing the AHERB.cn website, mobile applications and other software (the "Service"). We respect your privacy and would like you to be aware of the Privacy Policy adopted to protect your personal information.

If you want to delete your account on the AHERB.cn website, go to http://aherb.cn/index.php?route=information/contact and write to us about it, indicating in the letter the email specified during registration and the reason for deletion .

Term of Use, Policies and Changes

1. We use your personal information to operate, provide, develop and improve the products and services we offer to our customers. Information you provide to us. We receive and store most of the information you provide regarding AHERB.cn. You may choose not to provide certain information, but then you will not be able to take advantage of many features of AHERB.cn.

Automatic information. We automatically collect and store certain types of information about your use of AHERB.cn, including information about your interaction with the content and services available on AHERB.cn. Like many websites, we use cookies and other unique identifiers and collect certain types of information when your web browser or device accesses AHERB.cn and other content provided by or on behalf of AHERB.cn on others. websites.

Information from other sources. We may receive information about you from other sources, such as updated shipping and address information from our carriers, so that we can help correct our records and deliver your next purchase.

2. We use your personal information to operate, provide, develop and improve the products and services we offer to our customers. These goals include:

Purchase and delivery of products and services. We use your personal information to take and process orders, deliver products and services, process payments, and communicate with you about orders, products and services, and promotional offers.

Providing, troubleshooting and improving AHERB.cn. We use your personal information to provide functionality, analyze performance, fix bugs, and improve the usability and efficiency of the AHERB.cn Services.

Recommendations and personalization. We use your personal information to recommend features, products and services that may be of interest to you, determine your preferences and personalize your experience with AHERB.cn.

Provision of voice, image and camera services. When you use voice, image and camera services, we use your voice input, images, video and other personal information to respond to your requests, provide you with the services you have requested and improve our services.

Comply with legal obligations. In some cases, we collect and use your personal information to comply with laws. For example, we receive information from customers for customs clearance.

Communication with you. We use your personal information to contact you in connection with AHERB.cn through various channels (for example, phone, email, chat, or message).

Advertising. We use your personal information to display personalized advertisements for features, products and services that may be relevant to you.

Fraud prevention and credit risk. We use personal information for to prevent and detect fraud and abuse to keep our customers, AHERB.cn and others safe.

Sharing and service improvement. The public content that you contribute to AHERB.cn is for the public and therefore available for the public to view, including your photos, ratings, reviews, tips, listings, compliments, as well as some of your other activities through AHERB.cn, such as , surveys.

3. We may collect your personal information directly or indirectly in order to better serve you. In most cases, we directly collect information from you:

Registration and Order. In order to provide products to you, you provide us with your personal information during the online registration phase, including, but not limited to, your name, gender, shipping and billing address(es), phone number, email address, and financial information, such as your credit card. In addition, we may request information about your country of residence and/or your organization's country of operation so that we can comply with applicable laws and regulations. This information is used for billing, order processing, and to contact you about your order and AHERB.cn.

Payment. We may collect your personal information in the format provided by the payment service provider, including, but not limited to, your card number, card type, card verification value, your billing address, your name, email address and telephone number. Despite the collection, we do not store any information provided through payment. Generally, the payment services you choose to complete orders store and store this information.

Delivery. Your pickup address, recipient and corresponding phone number are used to deliver the items in the order you placed. You must provide us with this minimum information in order to make a timely and accurate delivery.

Product reviews. We ask you for your email address and location in order to send product reviews. Your email address will be hidden, but your location will be visible to other users. All other personal information that you choose to provide as part of the review will be available to other visitors to the Site.

4. Cookies and other similar tracking technologies are used to collect information. We may use cookies or other similar tracking technologies (collectively, "Cookies") to collect certain information about you when you visit AHERB.cn. Cookies are small and simple text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit our platform and include local objects (sometimes called flash cookies), web beacons, pixels, browser fingerprinting technologies or any technology that that store or access information on the user's device. In order for us to provide services to you, we need to recognize your browser or device. For example, if you block or otherwise reject our cookies, you may not be able to add items to your cart, proceed to checkout, or use any of the AHERB.cn services that require a login.

If you do not wish to store cookies on your computer, you can change your browser settings. You can also change your settings so that your browser refuses all cookies or only third-party cookies. You can delete cookies that have been placed. You will have to adjust the settings for each browser and computer you use. The way you configure these settings varies by browser.

5. We sell products, not information. We do not sell, rent, trade or license your personal or financial information. We will disclose your personal or financial information only in the following specific situations:

– Third party service providers and partners. Like most online stores, we sometimes use third party service providers to perform certain functions on our behalf. Any information or data disclosed by him must guarantee the full performance of the concluded contract. For example, a delivery service needs your basic information about your name, shipping address, and phone number so that any delivery service can clear customs and deliver. In addition, to improve your experience, we may use your information on a minimal basis to monitor the quality of the third party's service. During the payment process, information that the payment business or financial service may need is collected by AHERB.cn affiliates. However, neither affiliates nor AHERB.cn process payment information received from us. For example, in the Russian Federation, LLC AHERB.CN RUS (TIN 0800007502), who is a representative of AHERB.cn (China Health House) Co., Limited in the Russian Federation and acts on the agent agreement between  LLC AHERB.CN RUS (TIN 0800007502) and AHERB.cn (China Health House) Co., Limited. The terms of this Privacy Policy also apply to  LLC AHERB.CN RUS (TIN 0800007502), which is responsible for all relevant issues related to payments by clients from Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia.

– Non-personally identifiable information. We may share information that does not identify you or any user, such as the number of daily visitors to a particular page or the size of an order placed on a particular date, with third parties such as advertising partners. We often use pseudonymization, which displays images of our products without revealing your identity.

– Merger and/or sale of assets. We do not routinely share any personal information with other companies. However, we need to develop our business for an acquisition, merger or acquisition or merger with another company, which is inevitable, along with the effect of transferring customer information, in whole or in part, as business assets, even though they are subject to the premise existence of this Privacy Policy.

– Protection of AHERB.cn and others. We disclose account and other personal information as required by law to protect ourselves, our customers, or others. Enforce or enforce our Terms of Use and other agreements. Protect the rights, property, or safety of AHERB.cn, our users, or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies, organizations, institutions, organizations or government bodies to protect against fraud and reduce credit risk. In addition, AHERB.cn and our data processor reserve the right to report to law enforcement any activity that we believe in good faith to be illegal.

– We may update personal information and purposes to share other reasons, which we may describe to you from time to time as permitted by law.

6. AHERB.cn uses technical and organizational measures to protect the integrity and confidentiality of your personal information. We work to ensure the security of your personal information during transmission using encryption protocols and software. We comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) when processing credit card data. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards in connection with the collection, storage and disclosure of customer personal information. We set different permissions for different employees who are allowed to access or access your personal data. We only partner with providers that have adequate protection with regular maintenance to prevent data leakage.

It is important that you protect your password and your computers, devices, and applications from unauthorized access. We recommend that you use a unique password for your AHERB.cn account that is not used for other online accounts. Be sure to log out when you're done using the shared computer. You can log out of your AHERB.cn account by selecting "Logout".

7. Third Party Advertisers and Links to Other Websites. AHERB.cn may include third party advertisements and links to other websites and applications. Third party advertising partners may collect information about you when you interact with their content, advertising and services. As mentioned, these advertisements and promotions are associated with affiliates. Using third party advertising services, third party consultants provide you with AHERB.cn advertising through the information we provide.

For personalized advertising, we will have your explicit consent before distributing to you personalized advertising, surveys, questionnaires or promotions on our products or merchandise. You can opt out of advertising in the Email Subscription section, contact customer service, or email us at aherb@aherb.cn to object. Like other online advertising networks, we use cookies, web beacons (also known as action tags or single pixel GIFs) and other technologies that let us know what ads you see, what ads you click on and about your other activities on AHERB.cn and other sites. This allows us to provide you with more useful and relevant advertising. For example, we may use Google Analytics or other tracking/marketing applications or a combination of methods to track your browsing or purchase history, your location.

After completing the registration process, by default we are allowed to direct marketing to you through your email subscription. You can unsubscribe at any time or write to send us an email at aherb@aherb.cn if you do not want to receive information about promotions, advertising or other information.

8. You, as a customer, have the right to access your information. You can access most of your data online when you log into your AHERB.cn account by clicking the "My Account" tab. In your account, you can also change or update your personal information as you see fit.

9. You can ask any questions about how we collect and process your personal information. You can contact our customer service listed in the "Contact Us" section of www.aherb.cn. As stated above, if you choose not to provide the required information to AHERB.cn for the service, we may not be able to provide our services to you.

You have the right to correct your personal information through your account settings. After an update or patch, we usually have a copy of your previous entries.

You have the right to object if you no longer wish to receive emails or communications from us using the account settings features. The object right also applies to apps on your portable devices, so you can change the settings on your portable devices.

To block cookies on your computer, the Help feature in most browsers and devices will tell you how to prevent your browser or device from accepting new cookies, how to have your browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable cookies completely . Since cookies allow you to enjoy some important services on AHERB.cn, we recommend that you leave them enabled. For example, if you block or otherwise reject our cookies, you may not be able to add items to your cart or proceed to checkout, or use any of our Services that require you to sign in.

If you wish to view AHERB.cn without linking your browsing history to your account, you can do so by logging out of your account and blocking cookies in your browser.

If the opt-out setting cannot be changed on the platform by yourself, you can contact our customer support team for further assistance. In addition, you can ask AHERB.cn to delete your account and related information. You may also request your personal information. However, upon your request, we will take time to process as you may be charged a process fee of $100 as you request all copies of your personal data.

10. We retain your personal information so that you can continue to use the services of AHERB.cn for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the relevant purposes described in this Privacy Policy, as required by law, for example, for tax and accounting purposes, or as required by law. For example, we maintain a history of your orders and transactions so that you can view past purchases (and repeat orders if you wish) and the addresses to which you have shipped orders, and to protect your privacy rights.

11. For users residing in Europe, you can refer to this part for the specific provisions of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

You may reserve the right under the GDPR to:

The right of access of the data subject. You, as a visitor or customer, as a user, have the right to access your own information in order to confirm whether their personal data is being processed or not. Users have the right to get acquainted with detailed information about the purpose of processing, categories of personal data, recipients or categories of recipients to whom personal data was disclosed, the period of storage of the relevant personal data, the availability of automated decision-making.

Right to Correction. Users have the right to correct data. If your information is incorrect or incomplete. You can correct and complete the information or let us know to help you do it.

Right to erasure. You are the users who have the right to ask us to delete your personal information. We will use available technologies to remove your personal information, including but not limited to pseudonymization, de-identification, scrubbing and other removal methods. However, for reasons of exercising the right to freedom of expression and information, compliance with legal obligations, the public interest in public health, archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research or statistical purposes, or for legitimate protection.

Right to restriction of processing. Users should be aware that before requesting certain rights, you must cooperate with us to verify your personal information and your identity. During the verification process, you must provide your name, address and/or and email address when contacting us. We will take reasonable steps to verify your identity before responding to your requests. Verification steps will vary depending on the privacy of your personal information and whether you have an account with us, but we will give you an answer within the time limit set by the GDPR.

Right to data portability. You may request your personal data provided to us on the basis of consent or contract, or automated processing by a third party, subject to availability of the technology. Whether this is possible or not, please contact our customer service for confirmation. You should be assured that we will endeavor to ensure that your data is transmitted to a third party in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, where technically possible.

Right to object. You can object to direct marketing and you can see what options you have regarding AHERB.cn's collection of your information.

Automated individual decision making, including profiling. When we make automated decisions, such as profiling, we obtain your explicit consent before our interaction. In addition, the right to object to an automated decision may be exercised by contacting us via email to the Data Protection Department or Customer Service aherb@aherb.cn.

Withdrawal of consent. You may withdraw your consent to the processing of your data at any time, but you should understand that the withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing in relation to consent prior to withdrawal.

Whenever we transfer personal information to countries outside the European Union in the course of an information exchange, we will transfer that information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

Requests should be submitted by contacting us by email at the Data Protection Department or Customer Service aherb@aherb.cn.

12. For users residing in California, USA, you may refer to this part for specific rules under the CCPA (California Consumer Protection Act). You may reserve the right under the CCPA. The right to know. California residents have the right to request disclosure of the following information:

– the categories of personal information we have collected about you;

– the categories of sources from which we have collected personal information about you;

– the business or commercial purpose for collecting or sharing your personal information;

– the categories of personal information we have shared about you and the categories of third parties to whom the personal information has been shared;

– the categories of personal information we have disclosed about you for our business purposes and the categories of vendors to whom the personal information has been disclosed;

– specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you.

The right to demand the deletion of the consumer's personal information. As with the GDPR, you still have the right to delete your personal information from us. We will follow your instructions to remove requested information unless we provide a reason, except for:

- completion of the transaction;

– detection of security incidents; protect against malicious, misleading, fraudulent or illegal activity or hold accountable those responsible for such activity;

– exercise of human freedom of speech;

Compliance with an obligation under the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act;

Conducting scientific, historical or statistical research of public interest in limited circumstances;

Solely internal use that reasonably suits your interests when using our service;

Legal commitment required;

The right to refuse the transfer of personal information. We do not sell your personal information. You don't have to worry about the right to opt out of selling personal information. The right to equal service and non-discrimination. We promise that we will not engage in unfair trading due to any exercise of rights under the CCPA. The right to establish a data access mechanism. When you exercise any of the aforementioned rights, you must be verified first. If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Service and Data Protection Officer. We will respond to you electronically within the period set in accordance with the CCPA.

The California Shine the Light law gives California users the right to request information about whether a company has disclosed certain information about you to any third party for third party direct marketing purposes. California users who wish to request additional information under this law or have questions or concerns about our privacy practices and policies privacy can to contact us at aherb@aherb.cn. We accept your agent with a power of attorney indicating that you are fully authorized to exercise any rights available to you on your behalf.

13. AHERB.cn does not sell products for purchase by children, and we do not knowingly or intentionally collect personal information from children under the age of 13. In other AHERB.cn policies, you have promised to be represented and guarantee that you are either at least 18 years of age or that you are using AHERB.cn under the supervision of a parent or guardian. If you are under the age of 13, we will not collect your personal data without the consent of your parents.

14. If you choose to use AHERB.cn, any privacy dispute is governed by these Terms of Use, including limitations on indemnification, dispute resolution, and the application of law. If you have any concerns about privacy at AHERB.cn, please contact us with a brief description and we will try to resolve the issue. Our business is constantly changing and our Privacy Policy will also change. You'd better check our AHERB.cn website pages frequently to see the latest changes. Except for other rules and regulations, our current Privacy Policy applies to all information we have about you and your account. However, we stand by our promises and will never materially change our policies and practices to make them less protective of customer information collected in the past without the consent of affected customers.

If you have any questions regarding the collection or processing of your personal data, please contact us by email at aherb@aherb.cn.

The information that we directly collect from you will be used in the following situation: search or buy goods or services in AHERB.cn; add or remove an item from your shopping cart, place an order, or use AHERB.cn; communicate with us by phone, email or other applicable applications; fill out a survey, support ticket, or other form; provide and evaluate reviews; use Notification of stock availability; using our online chat for assistance or other communication channels; publish content on their own initiative.

In order to facilitate the above interaction, you are required to provide us with information such as: identifying information such as your name, address and phone numbers. Billing information, your age, information about your location, your IP address; addresses and phone numbers listed in your Address Book Management; email addresses of your friends and other people;

the content of reviews and emails to us; personal description and in the Personal Account; information and identification documents, including social security numbers, passport details and driver's licenses; credit history information; other information.

Examples of information collected and used for analysis include: the Internet Protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet; login, email address and password; the location of your device or computer; version and time zone settings.

Purchase and content usage history, which we sometimes combine with similar information from other customers to create features such as Featured Products; the complete Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of visits to, through and from AHERB.cn websites, including date and time; products and content that you viewed or searched for; page response time, loading errors, duration of visits to certain pages, and page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse hover); telephone numbers used to call our customer support; images when you use them in the "Writing Review" column.

We may also use other means to automatically process your data (such as device identifiers, cookies, and other technologies on devices, in applications, and on our web pages to collect browsing, usage, or other technical information).

Information we receive from other sources includes: updated shipping and address information from our carriers or other third parties, which we use to correct our records and make your next purchase or message easier to deliver; account information, purchase or redemption information, and pageview information.

The information you can access through AHERB.cn includes: the status of recent orders; your complete order history (including my orders); personal information (including name, email address, password and address book); payment settings (including payment card information, rewards and credits, coupons); e-mail notification settings (including stock notifications, rush orders, sales, personalized notifications and recommendations and newsletters); recommendations and products you have recently viewed that form the basis for recommendations (including recommendations for you); shopping lists and My bookmarks; your content, devices, services and related settings, as well as communications and personalized advertising preferences; content that you have recently viewed; messages (including requests to various AHERB.cn services).

AHERB.cn 中国药房主营养生保健品。 中医是世界上最古老的治疗体系,产品以中草药为基础,添加纯植物成分。AHERB.cn - 是中国领先的产品制造商。 原装产品的销售是我们公司的主要原则。每个产品都有注册证书,可以在国家食品药品监督管理总局(CFDA)网站上查询。